HRSR Race Review

Sorry 2011 & 2012 have been really busy for us we are planning to do a full season in 2013 and will update the website with videos etc.

See our Video's page for race day footage!

16th May 2010 Silverstone GP

Massive turnout of 45 cars on the grid 10 of them Imp’s. New to me was the rolling start but managed to catch Mr Benoy who had out qualified me. Hillman’s engine developed an electrical misfire 3 laps from the end, which meant that a flying Mr Gunton in his blue & yellow Imp overtook me to take the class win. I limped home 2nd in class this was not too damaging to the overall points position as Simon had broken down on lap 5. I was surprised to find this now left me joint leader with Roger Godfrey of the Historic Touring Car Championship.

Silverstone saw off 2 Imp’s just in the practice session!

11th April 2010 Cadwell Park

Cadwell is my favourite circuit and is always kind to me, this weekend was to be no exception qualifying 4th overall and 1st in class.

Race1: I was able to make a few places and found myself running 2nd overall to Peter Hore in his Lotus Cortina. Unfortunately I was out paced and found myself in 4th place by the end of the race but still a class win.

Race2: I had my sensible head on and just did enough to keep in front of Simon to get the class win, finishing 4th overall. Another great weekend well up in the points for the overall championship.

Setting corner weights night before the race, courtesy of Mr Hulsee

28th March 2010 Silverstone

Opening round of the Historic Touring Car Championship excellent grid with plenty of Imp’s. Car was running superbly shame I allowed Mr Benoy to overtake to win the class on the 2nd to last lap! Excellent start to the season thoroughly enjoyed my little race with Simon, hope there will be more close action to come!

1 week before Silverstone (British weather gone mad!)


26 & 27 September 2009 Spa Francorchamps

This was my first ever visit to Spa and can’t recommend it enough! I was a little nervous as I wasn’t sure if the car was going to behave it’s self! How ever after sharing the 30min practice on Friday with my dad, the car was deemed fixed as no misfires were present. I chose to do race 1 on Saturday the car felt excellent and was able to catch some of the other, normally faster cars. The 6hr race started at 4pm till 10pm Saturday and was fantastic to watch. Maybe one day the Hillman will take part in this prestigious event! Sunday afternoon was my Dad’s race, he finished in one piece and enjoyed driving such a fast car as he is used to MG’s!

Unfortunate accident at Spa

13th September 2009 Brandshatch

Simon Hulse very kindly helped me get the car ready on Saturday. After a mid-season engine freshen up, practice went well. My highest ever qualification put me 4th on the grid. The race started well, unfortunately after a red flag due to an Alfa putting oil and coolant all over the circuit, the car developed a misfire, this was later traced to an electrical break down caused by the under bonnet temperature rising, as you will see on the restart video! Brands left me very disappointed but at least we were in one piece and able to enter for Spa 6hr meeting.

Hillman's new rods Hillman's new pistons

14th June 2009 Castle Combe

Just Mr Benoy, Adrian Oliver & myself booked in with Imps for Castle Combe. With a higher 4th gear ratio and extra cooling I was hoping to show Mr Benoy who was boss! Practice was good, I was sure I would put a good time in, which I did qualifying 6th over all, my highest ever grid position. The problem was Mr Benoy had gone even quicker qualifying 4th almost 1sec/lap faster than myself. I was new to the circuit and felt I had more to come so was looking forward to the race where I could hopefully have a good battle and eventually beat him. Unfortunately my poor start left me struggling, the car felt superb and ran nice and cool, looking forward to Brands Hatch where I am hoping my new shock absorbers will give me the edge over the other Imps (7 booked in).

Tim Cox's Jaguar XK120

9th & 10th May 2009 Silverstone

Nothing new for Silverstone car was as it finished at Cadwell Park this was a big mistake as the gear ratios that suited Cadwell so well we just too low for Silverstones fast sweeping corners.
This and other factors allows Mr Benoy to catch and overtake me during the race. The car was running very hot and started suffering with an unexplained misfire. Hopefully I have cured this problem ready for Castlecombe.

Dave 'The Lathe' Morris the mastermind behind Hillman’s Engine

19th April 2009 Cadwell Park

Simon Hullse kindly offered to help me load the car up on Saturday evening, problems with the fuel pump air locking caused no end of hassle eventually arrived a the circuit, 3am Sunday morning!


The car felt good once again with its new engine internals unfortunately 3 laps in and the fuel pump packed in. Luckily I carried a spare the problem was it was 5 years since I last drove round Cadwell and I still wasn’t sure which corner was coming next!


Only 17 cars lined up on the grid. I was well down the field. Simon Benoy made a great start whilst I was stuck behind 2 Jags an Anglia and a Mini! I didn’t mind because I was still getting used the circuit. Eventually I got clear and started catching Shaun Hazzlewood and the other Imps. Simon had a substantial lead only be plagued by his mysterious miss fire once again. Allowing me to over take him. Not the class E victory I had wanted still chuffed to bits none the less.

See you all at Silverstone May 9th!

Still in one piece after Cadwell!

5th April 2009 Donnington Park


The new engine

Gentle start, getting used the car again. Ended up 2nd fastest Imp to Simon Benoy, Should have push harder but trying to preserve the car. New engine felt very strong and easy to drive due to it’s increase in mid range torque.


Full grid for 30 pre 1966 saloons lined up for the start for our 20min race. I made a poor start (looking after the transaxle) Simon Benoy and Graham Martin both made it to red gate before me, unfortunately for them I was able to catch and overtake them at the entrance to the old hair pin. 6 laps in I thought a class win was in the bag when the throttle cable jammed causing the engine to over rev, devastation set in as I limped the car in using the isolator switch to control the revs, not a great start to the season but the car was the best it had ever been, achieving fastest lap made me feel a little happier.

Broken valve cap caused by over rev


If she had run for much longer she would surly have dropped a valve!